About the Foundation
Community Development
St. Francisville Area Foundation, a 501(c) 3 non-profit created in 1998, is an independent body governed by a Board of Directors.
Current board members include:
Executive Director: Renee Wilson
Chairman: Christophe Levasseur
Treasurer: Ricky Sparks
Board of Directors:
Don Charlet, Ashley Fox-Smith,
George Kurz, Yul Lorio, Carter Leake IV,
Hollis Milton, Judy Nordgren, Michael Percy, Clay Pinson, and John Thompson
Mission Statement:
Supporting initiatives to protect, restore and enhance the natural beauty, cultural charm and quality of life in West Feliciana Parish.
What is a Community Foundation?
Simply put, we help make our community a better place to live, work and play. We do this by partnering with donors, other non-profits and local public agencies to fund initiatives that preserve the existing rural charm and rich cultural heritage of the community. The Foundation considers itself a both leader and catalyst in spearheading projects that may not otherwise be realized due to complex funding needs or constraints.